I haven’t posted anything for a few weeks because, to be honest, I didn’t feel I had the heart to. With so many people having their first Christmas without their loved ones, suffering from Covid or having lost their livelihoods, I just felt that I had nothing to say. I hope that everyone had the best one they could, ours was certainly different to any other Christmas before, but was still enjoyable. So there was no Christmas content from me, as I literally didn’t know what to say to help people.

Likewise I haven’t put any New Year content on the website either until now. 2020 was a horrific year for so many people. Although for me personally there were a lot of positives. I just didn’t feel like I had the right to talk about these, in light of so much suffering. So I didn’t.

However, I do now feel like I want to talk about the future in terms of my plans for the next twelve months. Well, quite simply I want to keep going with “An Autistic’s View” posting a mix of video and blog content on a variety of topics – some preplanned, others as they happen. I was furloughed last year which meant I had time to produce a lot of videos, one of which I still have to post. I don’t know when this will be posted though, so the continuity of my hair length may be problematic! One week I might have long hair, the next shorter….

I never set New Year resolutions as they are always either broken or an effort to keep up with. Who needs the extra stress? I do want to get back to running more regularly though and consuming a little less food in the coming months – two very common aims. I have a few ideas for things I would like to achieve this year, although one will depend on how the pandemic pans out. This is to do more Reiki, something that I normally experience once a year when we go away at New Year. Obviously that has not happened this year and I feel like I am missing it already.

From an autistic point of view, I would like to carry on helping other autistic people by simply telling my own experiences of being a middle-aged man on the spectrum. We all have our own unique point of view on life and I believe that sharing our stories and perspectives is one way that we can help others. In particular I want to share some more experiences of being an autistic in a working environment. Other autistic content I am thinking abut includes more on sensory negatives and positives, and more on special interests.

Personal goals also include more cubing off course! Every autistic person should indulge in their special interests as much as possible. Mine is solving and messing around with twisty puzzles such as the Rubik’s Cube. Spending time doing your special or intense interests can be a great coping mechanism when dealing with all the negativities sadly occurring in these current times.

So I want to end this blog by once again thanking everyone who engaged with my content in the past year! It means a lot to me and I hopefully will be bringing you more in the coming year!

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