9th December 2018
Well another year over and boy, has it gone quick. Overall though I would say that it has been a positive one for me with some great highlights. If you follow my blogs regularly then you will know that this time last year I spoke about how I don’t really do New Year Resolutions but have intentions. To recap these are things I would like to achieve in the new Year but it doesn’t matter if I achieve them or not. It’s just a little bit of positivity. So how did I do with last years intentions:
- More Walking Outdoors – not as much as I would have liked really…. bit disappointed with this one.
- Try to attend more Autistic meetings especially with local branches of the National Autistic Society – I think I managed this one, even did a talk for them on employment.
- Try to not let my anxiety control me so much – always fail but will never stop trying!
- Snap more twigs when out walking – Loads more! Still loving that sound!
- Drink more hot chocolate – Why did I even write this?
- To improve my meditation periods and keep them more regular – Unfortunately these have got less regular, but I am finding other ways to help my anxiety.
- To carry on with the website and raising Autism acceptance – Hopefully the website is still achieving this. The videos now add another dimension.
- To help improve understanding of disabilities, invisible disabilities and mental health where I work – Constant on going project really but I think I have made some difference.
Not too bad really. This is why intentions work better then Resolutions in my opinion. So this year I intend to:
- Continue raising Autism a
- wareness and acceptance, Mental Health Awareness and disability awareness.
- Continue improving and carrying on with the website
- Hopefully make more contact with Autistic people, including people at every point on the spectrum such as Non-Verbal people.
- More outdoor walking again.
- Try to be less anxious about things and accept the things I can’t change. Be more happy with my lot, especially at work.
- Be more wise about how I spend and organise my finances.
- Use spoon theory more to balance my energy.
Well lets see how I go with these, this year!
There is a cool hashtag on Twitter called #3goodthings where people list daily the three best good parts of the day. I really love this and enjoy reading peoples Tweets on this. I haven’t really used the hashtag myself but I think I will sort of do a similar thing in this blog and do my #3goodthings from the past year.
1. The work on this website which I have enjoyed producing and that I hope has brought some joy to those who view it.
2. The Mental Health Awareness work that I have been doing in my employment to help remove stigma/discrimination, raise awareness and provide support when needed for the people I work with during my day job and associated companies.
3. The interactions that I have with other Autistic people including the talk I did for the National Autistic Society, the joint video with the amazing Purple Ella and Ros, and finally attending an Autistic Support group and interacting on social media with others on the spectrum.
Like I said earlier it’s been quite a good year for me but I also want to say that I know also that there will be people reading this who have had a negative year and my thoughts are also with them. Just remember whatever tough times you are going through you are not alone.
So enough of the personal objectives what are my plans for “An Autistic’s View” this year. Well to be honest just more of the same. I want to carry on with my weekly blogging and have a list of topics for this as well as producing the new monthly videos. I have really enjoyed producing these and I have had a good response from the first three. It has been cool to mix the two mediums of blogging and vlogging and I have much more planned. Videos coming up will include topics such as food, driving, animals, more sensory exploration and much more!